The National Seminar on the Theory and Practice of Local Legislation in the cities with districts was held at Southeast University
Release time : 2017-06-25         Viewed : 137

On June 17, 2017, the national seminar on the theory and practice of local legislation in the cities with districts was jointly launched by the Chinese Law Legislative Research Association and Law Legislative Research Association of Jiangsu Province. The seminar was organized by the law school of Southeast University and Jiangsu Bo Shi Da Law Firm. The seminar aims to summarize the latest practice of local legislation, and promote the research and exchange of local legislative theory and experience. Experts and scholars have conducted extensive and in-depth discussions and exchanges on the theme of the conference.

Professor Meng Hongzhi, the president of Jiangsu Law Research Association, presided over the opening ceremony. Professor Zhou Youyong, the vice president of Southeast University and the vice president of Jiangsu Law Association, gave a speech. He welcomed the guests on behalf of the Southeast University and the Jiangsu Law Association, and introduced the remarkable achievements in the construction of law disciplines since the re-establishment of the law school in Southeast University, and stressed that the meeting will promote the study and exchange of local legislation.

The closing ceremony was chaired by associate professor Li Yuxing, the vice dean of the law school in Southeast University and secretary general of Jiangsu Legislative Research Association. Professor Feng Yujun of the Renmin University of China delievered a wonderful academic summary. On behalf of the China Legislative Research Association, he expressed his gratitude to the organizers of the conference and praised the comprehensive and pluralistic academic views from scholars and fully affirmed that the meeting is a high-standarde seminar with the high academic quality.


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