Serving the Social Legal System and Focusing on Social Hotspots
Release time : 2018-09-06         Viewed : 111

On September 1st, 2018, CCTV-13 News Channel's Newsweek column broadcasted" Death from hitch service", which explored the rectification of the hitch service and ensure passenger safety. The special program will answer questions such as“how to supervise the Didi” by analyzing hot events and cases of social concerns. Associate Professor Gu Dasong of the law school accepted an interview with CCTV-13 on the development direction and rectification of the hitch service.

Associate Professor Gu Dasong of law school believes that the hitch service is a shared travel mode where the travel costs are shared by the people on thesame travel route. Therefore, at the legal level, the hitch service should be defined as civil mutual assistance. So, commercial entities should not enter this platform. Associate Professor Gu Dasong believes that the existence of the hitch service is necessary, so there is no need to completely cancel it.

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