Everything is ready for you to go home -- middle level leaders of our college attend the first joint meeting of president, director and president in 2020
Release time : 2020-06-18         Viewed : 69

On the afternoon of April 13, Southeast University held the first joint meeting of president, director and Dean (department head) (expansion) in 2020 with the theme of school opening work in the Conference Room 215, Jiulonghu administrative building as the main venue. Liu Yanhong, Dean of law school, Mao Huixi, Secretary of Party committee and other leaders attended the meeting online in the conference room of law school.

During the meeting, Jin Baosheng, vice president of our university, reported on the teaching and laboratory work of undergraduates and postgraduates respectively; Wang Baoping, executive vice president, first interpreted the policies of Jiangsu Province on the opening of colleges and universities, and then reported on the overall situation of the opening of our university; Zheng Jiamao, deputy secretary of the Party committee, reported on the preparation, reception and post opening of students' returning to school Work arrangements were reported. Subsequently, the personnel department, security department, hospital and network information center of our university made a report on the plan of daily management for the staff returning to school and after the school in the spring semester 2020; the general affairs department also made a report on welcoming the students back to school from the aspects of diet, student apartments, classrooms, etc.

This meeting made a detailed report on the current preparations and the work arrangement after the opening of the school. It can be seen that our school attaches great importance to the work after the outbreak. In order to ensure that students can return to school in batches safely and smoothly carry out the work after the opening of the school, all departments of our school have done a lot of in-depth and detailed work to ensure that the east university campus is well organized I'm waiting for the students to come back to school. We believe that with the joint efforts of the school and the college, we will be able to carry out all kinds of work as soon as possible to ensure that students can go home safely.

Copyright © Chien-Shiung Wu College 2014