Teachers and students fight against the epidemic by law!
Release time : 2020-11-21         Viewed : 63

With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, colleges and universities have further improved and implemented the normal precise prevention and control measures to ensure the life safety and health of teachers and students. General secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on epidemic prevention and control: we need to popularize public health safety and epidemic prevention and control laws and regulations, and raise awareness of the whole people, understand the law, abide by the law, protect the law, use consciousness and public health risk prevention and control consciousness. The rule of law thinking will be an important guarantee for epidemic prevention and control.

In the video, Mr. Liu Qichuan answers ten key questions from the four aspects of knowing the law, understanding the law, abiding by the law, and using the law, and elaborately expounds how to have and continuously improve the rule of law literacy under the situation of normalization of epidemic prevention and control. Mr. Liu Qichuan pointed out that knowing and understanding the law is the basic premise for teachers and students to fight against the rule of law. Abiding by the law and using the law are the fundamental guarantee for the victory of the war.

Copyright © Chien-Shiung Wu College 2014