Lecture Preview丨Educational Law: An Emerging Field of Legal Discipline
Release time : 2024-05-16         Viewed : 10
Lecture Theme: ‘Educational Law: An Emerging Field Legal Discipline

Time: 23 April (Tuesday), 3pm

Expert Introduction: Ren Haitao: Professor and doctoral supervisor of the Law School of East China Normal University, Deputy Director of the School Protection Research Centre for Minors.

He has participated in the drafting or revision of the National Youth Rule of Law Education Programme, the Teachers' Law, and the Law on the Protection of Minors. He has been selected as one of the ‘Shanghai Young Legal Talent Pool’ and ‘Shanghai Education Law Talent Programme’, and 13 papers have been reprinted in full in Xinhua Digest and NPC Reprinting Materials, etc. More than 40 decision-making reports in the field of education and rule of law have been adopted or approved by the departments of provinces and ministries and above. More than 40 decision-making consulting reports in the field of education and rule of law have been adopted or approved by provincial and ministerial departments. He has presided over a number of national, provincial and ministerial level projects. He won the Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Achievement Award (2022) and the Ministry of Education Higher Education Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement Award (2024). Selected as an author of important reprint sources of NPC copy newspaper materials (2022). Represented by ‘Research on the Rule of Law in School Bullying’, ‘Introduction to Educational Law’, ‘Introduction to Rule of Law Education’ and so on.
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