The 2024 Master's Thesis Defense Meeting of the International Law Group of Southeast University Law School Was Successfully Held
Release time : 2024-06-02         Viewed : 10

On May 10, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., the Master's Thesis Defense of the International Law Group of the Class of 2021 of the Law School of Southeast University was held in the conference room on the fourth floor of the Law School of the Jiulong Lake Campus of Southeast University. Associate Professor Zheng Lingli of Nanjing Normal University School of Law was the chairman of the defense committee, and together with Associate Professor Lu Lu, Associate Professor Ye Quan, Associate Professor Yi Bo of Southeast University School of Law, and Lawyer Feng Xianqin, partner of Beijing Dacheng (Nanjing) Law Firm, the defense committee was formed. Mr. Dong Guozhen of the Law School of Southeast University served as the secretary of the defense. The defense team made full preparations for the defense in strict accordance with the requirements of “Measures for the Whole Process Management of Graduate Student Dissertation Quality in Southeast University Law School”, “Measures for the Work of Graduate Student Dissertation Quality Steering Group in Southeast University Law School” and other normative documents to ensure that the defense work was carried out smoothly.


In the defense, the four students introduced the background of the topic selection, research content, research methodology, key difficulties and main innovations of their respective dissertations. On this basis, the members of the defense committee put forward many targeted questions in the light of the dissertation content and the students' presentations, and offered constructive suggestions on how to further revise the dissertation. The respondent, after sufficient pre-preparation and intense thinking, answered the questions raised by the defense committee members in turn, and promised to follow up and improve the thesis according to the valuable suggestions made by the teachers, and strive to make the thesis quality go up to a higher level. Finally, after the collective resolution of the defense committee, it is recommended to confer the master's degree on four master's degree students of International Law Group, and this defense meeting was successfully completed in a professional, serious but lively atmosphere.

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